Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Letting Go of Offense

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
--Luke 2:14 (KJV)

Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues,
we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.

--James 3:2 (NLT)

If something has been said or done to offend you, it is good to know that you can call upon the Lord through prayer. He is faithful to answer. He is faithful to come to your rescue. Holding onto offense has the potential to create bitterness in your mind, soul and spirit. It is easy to yield to anger, rage, seek revenge or bear grudges. But it is sin to repay evil for evil or hold malicious intentions in your heart.

When you accepted the forgiveness of sin, iniquities and transgressions through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, then be determined to yield to the Holy Spirit. He is the precious, infallible gift you received when you said yes to becoming a son or daughter of the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit strengthens and enables us to forgive others. He gives us the grace and patience to deal with difficult people. Abiding in the love of God is your source of love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.

Areli MediaWorks  |  2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Praise: A Weapon and Benefit

What do you desire or need to happen in your life? Your thoughts are creative and have attraction. You draw to yourself what you think, imagine, and create. So remember what the scriptures say... to think on the things that are good, just, pure, noteworthy, of a good report, etc. And that is what you can cause to flow into your life. Avoid anyone or anything that will cause you to focus on negative thoughts and scenarios. You have the power to control your thoughts and/or engagement with other people. As you rest in the Lord, help your mind, body and spirit heal itself. Allow God to fix what you can’t and show Him you will be faithful to keep the healing you receive.

My ultimate prescription for your healing is to keep yourself in a mode of praise to God. When you praise Him, it welcomes a greater measure of His presence around you. Heartfelt praise brings peace that surpasses understanding and unspeakable joy. You will begin to think and feel what God thinks and feel about you. His presence attracts the right people and circumstances to benefit your environment and overall health.

The adversary of your soul is a robber, thief and destroyer and he acts like a kidnapper. The first thing a kidnapper does is keep you from getting the attention of others. That is why praise is a mighty weapon. It gets the attention of God and draws His presence. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God (Psalm 50:23).

When you call on the Lord, you are focusing on the King of Glory. Remember, the Holy Spirit is your helper, comforter, and teacher. So when you cry out to Him in prayer, He comes to your defense. When you praise the names of God and declare who you are in Christ Jesus, you gain His peace, blessings and deliverance to your heart, soul and spirit.

God loves you. That’s why I point you to Him instead of me, things and other people. I hope you will get to know and trust with confidence that He cares about you. --Excerpt from the book "He That Healeth Thee"

Christine Brooks Martin, author
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"He That Healeth Thee"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
"Little Book, Big Prayers" 4-book series

Areli MediaWorks  |  2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Little Book, Big Prayers" - Free eBooks

You can download a free copy of the new 4-book series "Little Book, Big Prayers"  ONLY at

 Between now and December 31, 2013 use the 100% OFF Coupons before checkout. As you add each book into the shopping cart, enter the coupon number then adjust the total. Feel free to share with family and friends.
“Spiritual Growth”

"Mental and Physical Wholeness"

"Career and Finances"

 "Intercession for the Body of Christ"

The "Little Book, Big Prayers" series along with my other prayer book titles are available at Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and the Apple iBook stores.  

Visit the Pray What God Says website's bookstore for quick access to buy buttons for all retailers.
Christine Brooks Martin, author
Pray What God Says
Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith
He That Healeth Thee
Christine's Short-Shorts
Little Book, Big Prayers (4-book series)

Areli MediaWorks | 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When I Need to Trust

A prayer from the new prayerbook

Lord I pour out my heart to you because you are my refuge. You have not forsaken or abandoned me. You are my strength and shield so I trust you with all my heart. When you help me my heart is filled with joy. I am able to sing songs of thanksgiving and praise. Each time I search for you, I find you and increase in the knowledge of who you are. You have kept my enemies from rejoicing when I have been overwhelmed. I am rescued from disgrace. My hope is in you when I pour out my complaints in your presence. As I place my trust in you Lord and do what is good, I live in safety and prosperity. At all times, I place my trust in you to combat fear. You protect and save me from destruction. Like an eagle you cover me with your feathers and shelter me under your wings. You are my God and I am devoted to you. I live to serve you only. Your faithful promises are my armor and protection. My confidence resides in knowing that you care for me.

I learn of your unfailing love each day as I am comforted by your Holy Spirit. Order my footsteps because I trust in the pathways you have designed for my life. I trust in you at all times and I do not depend on my own understanding. Those who listen to instruction will prosper. I follow your instructions and I prosper in every endeavor. I receive guidance and direction through your scriptures. I learn of your ways as I meditate upon you day and night. I listen for your council when I wait upon you in prayer. Those who trust the Lord will be joyful but the foolish chose their own way. So I chose the safety of wisdom and fearlessly trust you. You save me when I am weak. You are my strength and song, and you cause me to live victoriously.

Christine Brooks Martin, author
“Pray What God Says”
“Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith”
“He That Healeth Thee”
“Christine’s Short-Shorts”

Areli MediaWorks | 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2013 Read an eBook Week Promotion: March 3rd - 9th has kicked off the 5th year of "Read an Ebook Week Promotion" March 3 through 9th

"Read an Ebook Week" is an international celebration of ebooks in which thousands of authors, publishers and retailers feature FREE and DISCOUNTED ebooks to help promote the joys of e-reading to the world's readers.

As a Smashwords author you can download my three books as well as other great titles that are included in the promotion. Available in all formats: (Kindle, Nook, ePub, PDF, for eReaders, iPad, phone apps, PC/MAC)

"PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS" - $.99 -- A valuable bible study companion to help you develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer. It contains a listing of topical scriptures relative to many areas of life like spiritual growth, family, health, provisional needs and evangelism.

"TALK TO GOD WITH AFFIRMATIONS OF FAITH" - $.99 -- the sequel to "Pray What God Says," containing scripturally-based affirmations to help you learn the scriptures relative to what God says about you, your access to Him, and His kingdom promises.

"CHRISTINE'S SHORT-SHORTS" - FREE -- Inspirational short stories and poems.

Find and download my eBook titles at: CLICK HERE

Christine Brooks Martin

Areli MediaWorks | 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!!

I'm not slow, just not as fast as others might want me to be. 

Slow and careful is always better than fast and reckless.  

I always make mistakes when I allow people to rush me, then I wind up spending more time doing things over again. 

It's funny how people will take their time doing what they do, but want you to hurry up for them. (Time: Them--98%, You--2%)

I have a sign I put on my desk once in a while and it says "I will be done as soon as I finish." 

When I don't put it out and someone comes to me to ask how long before they can have this or that, I say with the sweetest and most sincere voice, "Just for you, I will be done as soon as I finish." 

Christine Brooks Martin, author
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"

Areli MediaWorks  |  2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sharing an Introduction to CrossReads

“The authority the Master has given me
is for putting people together, not tearing them apart.”
-2 Corinthians 10:13 (TMB)





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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Three Inspirational Books by Christine Brooks Martin Share Bestselling Status


Three books written by Christine Brooks Martin continue to share bestselling book status on "Pray What God Says," "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith" and "Christine's Short-Shorts" have been well received by customers, ranking within the top 100 Religion & Inspirational genre for prayerbooks, devotionals and self-help categories.

Martin's first title "Pray What God Says" has been a consistent Amazon bestseller since December, 2011 in the U.S. the United Kingdom, France and Germany. The book is a reference guide and bible study companion containing many topical scriptures that introduce you to one of the keys to effective prayer. The purpose of the book is to help you gain a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through scripture-based prayer.

"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith" is the sequel to her first title. Martin took the topical scriptures given for various circumstances in "Pray What God Say" and created affirmation style prayers. "Many people expressed having difficulty forming their own prayers even though I provided a list of scriptures for them. So I wrote these prayers as a way to help others pray the scriptures and at the same time give them a jump-start on creating and developing their own prayer life," says Martin. "Each sentence of the prayers is all scripture-based," she added.

"Christine's Short-Shorts" is a collection of short stories and poems that center primarily on Martin's experiences and observations during her Christian walk. It was through this title that she embraced her motto for everything she has done and endeavor to continue through evangelism. Her motto is, “Lord may I share the knowledge of your grace with people I will never see, in places where my feet will never tread.”

Martin is working on new projects for release in Spring 2013. They are "He That Healeth Thee" and a 4-book series entitled "Little Book, Big Prayers."

Martin's titles are available on her website or, and Barnes and Noble.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Understanding Joy

One day I decided to take a drive to a nearby park on my lunch break. The privacy of my car gave me the liberty to cry to my heart’s content, purging every possible tear. Afterwards, I adjusted myself and headed back to work. En route, I started talking to God. I told Him I know He had joy unspeakable and full of glory. Then I yelled out loud, “God if you have joy, then show me what it looks like and give it to me today! Then I added … “Please?”

Just as I made my request I had to stop for the red light at an intersection. As I waited, there was a woman and a little girl standing on the corner and when the “Walk” signal flashed for them to cross, the woman grabbed the little girl’s hand. As they stepped off the curb and entered into the crosswalk, the little girl started skipping. She had a great big smile on her face and her ponytail bounced and swayed as she skipped. She kept pace with the woman until they reached the opposite corner. They started walking in the direction I was driving, and the woman let go of the little girl’s hand but she continued to skip with joy and abandon. The scene grabbed my heart and I burst into tears. I witnessed the Lord’s response to my request.

When I got to the parking lot at work, there was still a little time left for my break. So I stayed in the car and praised the Lord. He ministered to me about what I had seen. The woman was just like God. He takes us by the hand to lead, guide and direct our path. He grips us firmly in the places where our walk with Him may present danger, obstacles or challenges although we have the right of way. But we can be like a child and skip with joy. We can abandon our hearts to His care and safety, even when our hand is not in His. It is all about keeping our faith, trust and confidence in Him.

Matthew 18:3—...Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Excerpted from the short story "Understanding Joy"
from the book "Christine's Short-Shorts"
(Free eBook for a limited time)

Christine Brooks Martin
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"

Areli MediaWorks | 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Waiting On God

For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.   
--2Corinthians 4:6-10 (New Living Translation)

The scriptures tells us that the fervent, effectual (continuous and heartfelt) prayers of the righteous availeth much (will reveal manifestation). If it seems as though a situation has worsened or you only see small indications of progress, it is important to keep your confidence and trust in God. Hold on to the expectation that He is moving in your behalf. In His timing He will change your circumstances. When you pray without ceasing, you change too. You can achieve victory over your challenges. 

If you see the small things He does for you, then rejoice. Praising God will release your blessings from the captivity of the enemy. Your life is held hostage by your mouth. So open your mouth to praise God and open your mouth to speak the release of His eternal promises (the scriptures) that do not fail. He will not forsake the cry of the righteous.

FREE GIFTS (for a limited time)
PDF download of "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"

eBook version of "Christine's Short-Shorts" (Kindle, Nook, ePub, PC/MAC, iPad, iPhone) (Kindle)

Christine Brooks Martin, author
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"

Areli MediaWorks  |  2013