Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When I Need to Trust

A prayer from the new prayerbook

Lord I pour out my heart to you because you are my refuge. You have not forsaken or abandoned me. You are my strength and shield so I trust you with all my heart. When you help me my heart is filled with joy. I am able to sing songs of thanksgiving and praise. Each time I search for you, I find you and increase in the knowledge of who you are. You have kept my enemies from rejoicing when I have been overwhelmed. I am rescued from disgrace. My hope is in you when I pour out my complaints in your presence. As I place my trust in you Lord and do what is good, I live in safety and prosperity. At all times, I place my trust in you to combat fear. You protect and save me from destruction. Like an eagle you cover me with your feathers and shelter me under your wings. You are my God and I am devoted to you. I live to serve you only. Your faithful promises are my armor and protection. My confidence resides in knowing that you care for me.

I learn of your unfailing love each day as I am comforted by your Holy Spirit. Order my footsteps because I trust in the pathways you have designed for my life. I trust in you at all times and I do not depend on my own understanding. Those who listen to instruction will prosper. I follow your instructions and I prosper in every endeavor. I receive guidance and direction through your scriptures. I learn of your ways as I meditate upon you day and night. I listen for your council when I wait upon you in prayer. Those who trust the Lord will be joyful but the foolish chose their own way. So I chose the safety of wisdom and fearlessly trust you. You save me when I am weak. You are my strength and song, and you cause me to live victoriously.

Christine Brooks Martin, author
“Pray What God Says”
“Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith”
“He That Healeth Thee”
“Christine’s Short-Shorts”

Areli MediaWorks | 2013

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