Saturday, September 22, 2012

Scriptural affirmations from Pray What God Says

Pray What God Says - Prayers
Sample of scriptural prayers from the book "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith" by Christine Brooks Martin at

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rest in the Lord

For the past few months I decided to be verbally quiet as much as possible. The pleasant side effect has been emotional, mental, physical and spiritual rest. There is truly a benefit to being quick to hear and slow to speak. Sometimes it isn't necessary to comment on, comment about, excuse, defend, or justify everything your senses experience, especially if you try resting in the Lord.
Matthew 11:28  says,  “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
My prayer for His rest is this:
Lord I have no reason to be fearful or dismayed. I am at rest and quiet and no one shall make me afraid. In your presence the wicked cease from troubling me and I find rest instead of weariness. I bear only your yoke, which is easy and your burden that is light. For my rest is in you Lord.
I wait patiently for you in all things, so I do not have to fret because of those who devise and prosper in wickedness. When I lie down, I am not afraid and I have sweet sleep. For my rest is in you Lord.
You are my rock, my fortress and deliverer. You are my strength in whom I trust always. You are my buckler, the horn of my salvation and my high tower. For my rest is in you Lord.
It is your peace that you give and leave with me. It is not the temporal peace from the world that sustains me but it is the eternal peace that comes only from you. For my rest is in you Lord.
Christine Brooks Martin, author
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
(ebook & Paperback)
Areli MediaWorks 2012