Saturday, November 23, 2013

Praise: A Weapon and Benefit

What do you desire or need to happen in your life? Your thoughts are creative and have attraction. You draw to yourself what you think, imagine, and create. So remember what the scriptures say... to think on the things that are good, just, pure, noteworthy, of a good report, etc. And that is what you can cause to flow into your life. Avoid anyone or anything that will cause you to focus on negative thoughts and scenarios. You have the power to control your thoughts and/or engagement with other people. As you rest in the Lord, help your mind, body and spirit heal itself. Allow God to fix what you can’t and show Him you will be faithful to keep the healing you receive.

My ultimate prescription for your healing is to keep yourself in a mode of praise to God. When you praise Him, it welcomes a greater measure of His presence around you. Heartfelt praise brings peace that surpasses understanding and unspeakable joy. You will begin to think and feel what God thinks and feel about you. His presence attracts the right people and circumstances to benefit your environment and overall health.

The adversary of your soul is a robber, thief and destroyer and he acts like a kidnapper. The first thing a kidnapper does is keep you from getting the attention of others. That is why praise is a mighty weapon. It gets the attention of God and draws His presence. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God (Psalm 50:23).

When you call on the Lord, you are focusing on the King of Glory. Remember, the Holy Spirit is your helper, comforter, and teacher. So when you cry out to Him in prayer, He comes to your defense. When you praise the names of God and declare who you are in Christ Jesus, you gain His peace, blessings and deliverance to your heart, soul and spirit.

God loves you. That’s why I point you to Him instead of me, things and other people. I hope you will get to know and trust with confidence that He cares about you. --Excerpt from the book "He That Healeth Thee"

Christine Brooks Martin, author
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"He That Healeth Thee"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
"Little Book, Big Prayers" 4-book series

Areli MediaWorks  |  2013

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