Thursday, April 28, 2011

Updated Website: Pray What God Says

More than seeing, sampling and purchasing the book.
Visit my updated website at

Suggested Publishing Resources for Independent Authors

If you want to go the Independent publishing route, here are my suggestions of great publishing resources:
eBook Version visit
SMASHWORDS is an ebook publishing and distribution platform for ebook authors offering multi-format, digital rights management (DRM)-free ebooks, ready for immediate sampling and purchase, and readable on any e-reading device (PC / MAC, Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.). Authors have complete control over the sampling, pricing and marketing of their written works. Smashwords is ideal for publishing novels, short fiction, poetry, personal memoirs, monographs, non-fiction, research reports, essays, or other written forms that haven’t even been invented yet. It's FREE to publish and distribute with Smashwords.
Print Version visit
CREATE SPACE provides FREE Online publishing tools and community to help you complete and sell your work. Distribute on, your own website, and other retailers without setup fees. Manufacturing and shipping is taken care of. Your book remains in-stock, without inventory, made on-demand when customers order.
Now you have No Excuses so GET TO WRITING!!!
PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS by Christine Brooks Martin
eBook & Paperback

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My "Great eBooks" List from Fellow Smashwords Authors

In support of my fellow Independent Smashwords authors, here are links to some great eBooks in several genres.
When you read them, please don't forget to rate them and share with your friends and family.
It will encourage these authors as well as help them with visability!!!
(Downloads for PC / MAC, Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhones and many other electronic devices)
Fiction: Mystery, Detective
Ruthless hitman confronts his destiny in a startling tale of redemption.
THE DOOR'S OPEN by Joshua Graham
Fiction: Children's Books, Animals
The final destination, as seen through the eyes of Toby, the cat.
Non-Fiction: Business, Information Technology
Presents a proven approach to deploying entity-centric IT security frameworks, architectures, methods, and techniques.
Fiction: Romance, Poetry
A collection of poems and short stories about pure love and constant desire from the hearts of two people who spend time away from each other. David Stuart is the highly creative, success-driven, and sought-after promotional presentation producer, and Tiaunna, the woman with whom he has fallen in love with.
Non-Fiction: Inspirational, Spirituality
A revealing testimony of her victory in balancing faith, singleness, parenthood and overcoming drug addiction. It is a captivating account of her struggles, and through enduring faith how the power of God saved her life.
LIFE SEEMED GOOD, BUT... by Richard Bell
Fiction: Humor
Take a walk through the funny, bizarre and unpredictable mind of Richard Bell. You’ll not only have a fine time, you won’t want to leave. Just don’t step on his prefrontal cortex.
FROM WITHIN by John M. Dow
Fiction: Horror
Three strangers find themselves drawn to Wakely, a small village in the Scottish Borders, where a centuries-old conflict between two warring Celtic deities is drawing to its gruesome conclusion. A small boy holds the key to their survival, but first they have to find him. And they’re not the only ones looking. 
Non-Fiction: Health and Well-being, Mental Health
Extraordinary techniques to everyday people, showing anyone how to completely change his/her life and enjoy a life of Being Happy.
And Still Available as a FREE Download Using COUPON CODE MH48S
My Book PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS by Christine Brooks Martin
Non-Fiction: Religion, Inspirational
A valuable resource to help you deepen your relationship with God through prayer.
"Pray What God Says" eBook and Paperback

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Like" Pray What God Says?

I was scrolling through my feeds on Facebook yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon and ran across a pleasant surprise. A Facebook Fav, Diesel (one of the distribution channels for my eBook), reflected 2 Likes to my post where I shared information about my book "Pray What God Says." Sometimes I don't click on the "Like" thumbs-up icon too much. Just the fact that someone took the time to appreciate their indulgence of my post makes me happy. But this time I clicked to see who posted the "Like" and to my surprise Justin William Bieber was one and Diesel was the other.
All I know about the young idol-icon Mr. Bieber is from my grandchildren and whatever I might happen to see or hear when sharing cable time with them. I clicked on the back link to see if was legit and it was, so I was happier. When I hopped back over to the Diesel FB page, I noticed he posted a "Like" to several other books in various genres. Then I hoped he wasn't having a "Like-Click-Kick" but truly sincere. Whatever the reason I want to say, Mr. Justin William Bieber, thank you for clicking the "Like" button. I am honored you took the time, but most of all I hope that you were able to get past the bookcover--the profile photo for all my posts--and investigate a sampling of the pages.
My desire and effort in writing my book is to share about Who has been the MEANS for keeping me safe and sane in the midst of storms and critical moments; the anchor that has kept me afloat when I was about to sink because of a LACK of faith, hope, love, comfort, strength, health, finances and overall well-being; and the ONE who I can talk to and share my heart with 24/7-- 365. He is the Most High Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
So Mr. Justin William Bieber, I hope you did check out a few pages of my book. I also hope that if and when you experience what I just mentioned, just know that there is a Comforter, Helper, Burden-bearer, Provider, Way-maker, Protector, Healer, and most of all, Friend who is always available to turn to when you decide to allow Him to be all that He is and can be, to and for you.
PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS by Christine Brooks Martin
eBook & Paperback
(Download eBook 100% FREE with coupon code MH48S)
But Buy the Book (lol)

Monday, April 11, 2011

A "LIKE LINK" -- Operation eBook Drop

This evening I was surfing around on Facebook. While scrolling through one of my "Like Link" Fan pages I found an interesting link to another page called "Operation eBook Drop." Independent authors can donate their ebooks FREE to deployed coalition troops. Indie authors and soldiers who want to participate can contact for details. authors are able to generate coupons to make their titles free. And the ebooks are formatted for PC/MAC, Kindle, Nook, iPad, or other electronic devices. It is a great idea all around. The troops can get a variety of electronic reading material and authors are able to offer their ebooks and goodwill. If you have Facebook check out my latest "Like Link" Operation eBook Drop.
PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS by Christine Brooks Martin
eBook & Paperback
(eBook 100% free with coupon code MH48S)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Chronicles of Connie

I am so proud to introduce a new book by my spiritual daughter, Ms. Constance Cooper. It is entitled "The Chronicles of Connie" available as an eBook. The paperback version will be launched later this month.  I hope you will visit the following link at to download and read a sample or purchase.

To follow is the foreword about Connie's project.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. --Revelations 12:11. In the early fall of 2010, I received a request from one of the commentary writers of the weekly news publication I work for. He knew a young lady by the name of Constance Cooper who was interested in publishing a book. Since I was a new author, he wondered if I wouldn't mind sharing how to self publish or at least forward Ms. Cooper to the resources that would help her achieve her goal. So I sent an email to her outlining in detail the steps I took to finish my book and I thought that would be the end of it. But after a few back and forth contacts via email, she and I eventually conversed with one another by telephone. It turned out to be the most enlivening conversation that ended in both of us praying for one another. Through subsequent conversations with Constance, I came to know that my first impression of her humility and sincerity was truly genuine. I agreed to at least copyedit her manuscript before forwarding her on to other resources for the publishing process.

I received her manuscript a few days later and decided to look at it the next day when I had free time. Despite being tired from a long day at work, curiosity got the best of me. So around 2:00 a.m. I decided to read just the introduction. I could not put it down! The anointing flew off the pages. As I read the manuscript I could feel that God had His mighty hand on Constance's hand as she typed her testimony. I know that God has people in hidden places who have been tried, broken, mended, restored to ultimately be revealed to the Body of Christ. These men and women who have submitted their lives to the processing of the Holy Spirit will be those that He uses to enlarge His Kingdom.

Ms. Constance Cooper is such a one who God is going to use to instill hope in a generation of people who thought themselves hopeless. This book “The Chronicles of Connie” is a vehicle from the vessel who will by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, break yokes and set the captive free. Matthew 10:8 says that our reasonable service as the believer is to... Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give (KJV). We all as believers have been given the ministry of reconciliation...And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. --2Corinthians 5:18 KJV.

Constance has revealed her diligence in evangelistically serving the Lord through her obedience in writing this book. She fearlessly tells the story of her life with a transparency about the struggles and the victories that is truly captivating. Throughout the pages, she gives all glory to the Lord God for all things, even for what is to come. For she knows and acknowledges that her times and seasons are in the hands of the Lord and He is yet making her to become what He has planned, purposed and destined for her life. To my spiritual daughter Constance: This is true humility, and if retained, it will take you to places, realms and dimensions that you have yet to fathom. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. --Philippians 1:6 KJV

And finally, to every reader of “The Chronicles of Connie,” expect your miracle, healing and deliverance and your expectation shall not be cut off. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off. --Proverbs 23:18 KJV.

Christine Brooks Martin, author of “Pray What God Says”

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Checkout These Books from Fellow Smashwords Authors

Visit the links to these new releases by my fellow authors at
You will be able to download and/or view at least 15% of their book in formats for PC/Mac, Kindle Reader, Nook, iPad, and other electronic devices.
How to Out-Sell, Out-Market, Out-Promote, Out-Advertise Everyone Else You Compete Against... Before They Even Know What Hit Them
Powerful strategies, methods, concepts and techniques to rapidly increase your sales, multiply your profits and skyrocket your personal wealth. "This book is an eye-opener to success and wealth through proven strategies - if you don't feel inspired when you read it, you best check yourself for a pulse!

Halfway to Venus by Sarah Anderson. $5.99 from

Halfway to Venus is the story of Sarah Anderson’s life with only one arm. It is a journey of exploration and discovery, through literature and art and real life, concerned with finding out about arms and their significance, about other people who have lost their arms and about phantom and prosthetic limbs.

The Visa Book by Christine Gilbert. $10.00 from

60% of the countries of world do not require a visa for American passport holders. But which ones? Online information about visa rules are often incorrect and outdated -- and almost never cite their source. The Visa Book gives you all the rules in one place!

Walkabout Woman by Michaela Roessner. $2.99 from

A novel of the Australian Outback & Aboriginal Dreamtime; it won the John W. Campbell & Crawford Awards.
Bible Wisdom: PSALMS of Praise & Power Newly Translated from the Greek Old Testament
by John Howard Reid. $3.99 from
Disregarding duplications and material that fails to qualify as either powerful or praiseworthy, 84 uplifting Psalms are given new life and meaning in this inspired and inspiring translation from the ancient Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint. Neither the original meaning nor the poetry is lost or diluted, for each selected Psalm is rendered in both a literal translation and a more poetic style.
Pray What God Says
by Christine Brooks Martin.
"Pray What God Says" is a valuable resource to help you deepen your relationship with God through prayer. Contains topical scriptures relative to every facet of life, so you can create scripturally-based prayers of petition and intercession for spiritual growth, family, finances and health.
Download 100% Free using Coupon Code MH48S on checkout.
PRAY WHAT GOD SAYS by Christine Brooks Martin
eBook & Print