Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I had a great Christmas with my family, especially the grandchildren. They are so entertaining, especially my teenage grandson when he jokes, does the samba or tango with their dog Sugar, including spins, shakes, and dips. Once he puts her down, she stumble-runs to me for sanctuary. It was wonderful to hear M-o-ove!, St-o-op! Don’t touch me! Stop looking at me!, and my all-time favorite “I had it first!” From me it was “Hey! You sit there, and you, sit over there.” It’s not that way with them all the time, I am just sharing the joy I have about what we sometimes take for granted. I look up to heaven and say “Hallelujah Lord, Thank you Jesus for blessing me with beautiful grandchildren. I love them so much and I love you too.”

We are getting closer to celebrating the New Year. It will be 2012 and 12 is the number of governing authority--God's authority. I believe that instead of all the madness, chaos and bad news we have been experiencing, seeing and hearing about, God's authority will take over. I expect His power and blessings to be revealed through His people in every facet of our being: physical, mental, social, emotional, financial and spiritual.

I know the heathen and the devil is not going to like it, but according to the scriptures they will rage. But their destiny has been pre-determined. Although the Book of Revelations frightens a lot of people, including some in the Body of Christ, it also tells us to "rejoice because our redemption draweth nigh." I look forward to the events and promises expressed in the Book of Joel, helping me retain expectations of Restoration, Refreshing, Rejeuvenation, and the coming Renewal to the world and especially for those of us who are holding on to God's love, grace, goodness and faithfulness.

So bless you and rejoice in the New Year to come. I believe it will be an eventful year of goodness for all of us who love God.

Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks  2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

After Christmas Kindle Stuffers

Bestselling inspirational titles
"Pray What God Says" still FREE
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
Special Pricing $.99
both for a limited time.
"Christine's Short-Shorts" is $3.99

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
This is the day that commemorates the birth of the gift to all mankind
He is the gift who has given to us salvation, redemption,
healing, shelter, defense, peace, grace, mercy, love
and more than we can ever fathom.
Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Beauty of Suffering

I was asked why we have to suffer. I hesitated for most of the day before offering what I consider a tidbit of an answer. I didn’t want to say anything that would make my friend feel worse, or God-forbid, guilty. I have suffered many times throughout my life. I know suffering is the fruit of a myriad of seeds that have been sown. Seeds of our choices, decisions others have made that affect us…the reasons are endless.
But I know that when joy and blessing seems afar off, so far that you can’t even fathom that it will ever exist for you, the consolation is that God is watching and He does care. I remember wondering why He would allow me to suffer so much and for so long. But in retrospect I find that He was positioning me on the potter’s wheel. I needed Him to make me over because I was a broken mess. I had to patiently endure the squeezing and reshaping, and when I thought I was done, I met the fiery furnace.
The whole process of suffering seemed so callous and uncaring of God because it was painful for me. But He made me a vessel anxious to encourage others who are in the beginning phase or going through the process akin to mine. It is possible to float when you’re head under inhaling an ocean of water. You can live when you’re in the midst of the flames.
We suffer so much, but the scriptures call it a light affliction. What appears endless, the scriptures say that it is but for a moment. It doesn't make natural sense but the spiritual sense is that it will create for us a far more exceeding, and eternal weight of Glory. How excellent it is to look like, talk like, be like someone else—the One who is regal—Jesus Christ. As we endure the fellowship of His suffering, we come out likened to pure gold because we hid ourselves in Christ Jesus during the process with prayer and praise.
We can rest in God, trust in, and love God enough to allow Him to take us on what appears to be a perilous journey. That journey with Him will always reveal self to self, but it also yields a greater dimension of anointing. Count it wonderful to toss all that we are into God's love and care, in faith that He will sustain us while being transformed into the image and likeness of Christ.
2Corinthians 4:17--For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
by Christine Brooks Martin, Author
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Pray What God Says"
Areli MediaWorks  2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Release "Christine's Short-Shorts"

My new title "Christine's Short-Shorts" was released recently and has been well received. It is the third offering of content, I pray, will encourage and inspire others to grow spiritually as they love and trust the Lord Most High. My dedication was the following:
"To the Most High Lord God and Saviour.
Thank you for enabling me to fulfill my desire to evangelize and encourage Your people
with words that will go into places my eyes will never see and my feet will never tread."
I invite you to read the short inspirational stories and poems. You may download an eBook version absolutely FREE until December 31st by visiting
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You will have access to versions for Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone or your PC/MAC.
My two other titles are FREE (no coupon needed) until Dec. 31st.
I pray you will enjoy and share with family and friends.
Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Excerpt from the new title "Christine's Short-Shorts"

The Bark and Breath of the Enemy
All my life I have retained a vivid recollection of times and events throughout my childhood. As age creeps upon me, I have started to make lists or notes to myself about things I don’t want to forget. Sometimes I will walk into a room then try to figure out why I did so. I joke with friends by saying that my senior moments are turning into senior episodes. Despite the episodes, the portion of my brain that recorded my childhood is functioning quite well. I can even recall conversations, sounds, odors, colors, and temperatures of uneventful moments like they happened a few hours ago. I would say yesterday, but some of yesterday has already erased itself. Psych! I’m kidding about that one.
Anyway, as I recount for this writing, I was in the second grade at Green Elementary School in Knoxville, Tennessee. The only thing I didn’t enjoy about the second grade was walking home from school. Excluding the days when schools were closed due to inclimate weather, I was escorted in the mornings by my mother or Aunt Bessie, and I walked home with my neighbor friend.
There was a green-eyed mutt about the size of a golden retriever that lived about 2 blocks from my house and he would chase me every single day. He absolutely terrified me. On the first day of school my mother and I walked on the side of the street where the dog lived. The yard to its house had a fence, but there was no gate to the driveway. Therefore the dog was able to come in and out of its yard at will. He was lying close to the fence and didn’t move as he watched us pass by.
After school, my friend and I like most of the children, walked on the other side of the street. At the intersection before the house where the dog lived, I saw him standing on the sidewalk. When we got close to its house, the dog started crossing the street. When he ran up to me and started growling and barking, I screamed and ran. As he chased me, I could feel his breath on the back of my calves. There was a light at the intersection. It was red, but I didn’t even know it because I was so afraid and running for my life.
I thank God for sparing me because all I heard was the sound of brakes from the cars travelling in both directions trying to avoid hitting me. I saw nothing but the curb on the other side of the street and I was running for it. After I made it, I didn’t stop running until I got to the porch of my home. I was screaming, crying and banging on the front door. One of the drivers had parked and was on our porch by the time my mother opened the door. He told her that I ran through the intersection and was nearly killed. I was so shakened, that whatever else he said was a complete blur. That was OK because some of it was not too nice and it upset my mother. After he left, she calmed me down and I was able to tell her about the dog chasing me. She reassured me that the dog did it only because I ran when he barked. “Let him bark, but don’t run,” was her advice.
The next morning as she walked me to school, the dog was lying in his spot by the fence. He watched us but didn’t rise up or bark. “See, he’s not going to do anything to you,” she said. “Just remember, let him bark, but don’t run.” I felt relieved that the dog appeared totally harmless.
On the way home, at the corner, I saw the dog standing in front of its house. As my friend and I got near, it was a repeat of the day before. He barked and I ran. But when I got to the corner of the intersection he stopped chasing and went back home. I was shaking and crying but I had enough presence of mind not to run through that intersection again. I caught my breath and waited for my friend so she could walk the rest of the way home with me. This time, I didn’t say anything to my mother about the dog. I figured since he chased me just to the corner, that he might not do it again. I was wrong. Everyday, the dog would look at me on the way to school but after school, he would bark and chase me.
The routine between me and that dog became a treat for the other kids. We never failed to give them the pleasure of a good laugh. They joked and teased me at school, but I didn’t care. Each day I was determined to be brave and not run, but the bark and hot breath of that dog was always the giant faith eraser. The only consolation I held on to was that he would only chase me to the corner then turn around and go back home. He didn’t bother any of the other children and I was his exclusive chase for the whole school year.
During the month of May, our school observed a celebration called May Day. According to Wilkipedia it is described as follows: May Day was taken up in America as a socialist movement celebrating workers’ rights, a tradition that remains strong in Europe. All told, modern May Day celebrations today have evolved into a hodgepodge of traditions including parties, sing-alongs, Old World maypole dancing, parades and workers’ demonstrations, along with general protests against Big Business on the streets of major capitals worldwide.
I was one of the students selected for the wrapping of the Maypole during the May Day school-ground festivities. My mother dressed me in a new pink dress complete with starched underslips to make it stand out, ruffled socks and ribboned hair. I was all dolled up and anticipated the fun the day would bring. Then I got a wonderful surprise during the festivities. My father had accompanied my mother to see me wrap the Maypole. She took photographs of me with her little Kodak Brownie camera. (I’m not telling you what year that was either). I was so happy to see his face in the crowd of other parents and family members. When I got the chance to talk to him, he said my mother had to leave but he was going to wait and walk me home from school.
My father was a wonderful man. He worked an early shift for Alcoa Aluminum and usually got home around 2:00 p.m. During the spring and summer months, he liked to take long walks in the evening. My greatest joy was accompanying him when he took the short walks. When we were a few houses away from ours, I got foot rides. He would let me stand on his feet as he held my hands and walked the rest of the way home. The next best thing was when he pushed me on the swing so I could go high in the air. It felt as though he was helping me leap into the clouds.
When I met my father when school was dismissed, my mind was on getting a foot ride. It was also the first time he walked me home from school. I was estatic until we got to the dreaded corner. I had forgotten about the source of my terror until then. I tightened the grip I had on my father’s fingers. When he looked down at me, I guess he could tell by my expression that something was wrong. And he asked “What’s the matter?” By this time, the dog saw us and was starting to cross the street. “The dog Daddy. That dog is going to chase me because he chases me everyday,” I replied. “No, he’s not going to chase you,” he said. I started trembling and tried not to cry but the tears fell like rain. I moved closer and held onto the leg of his pants with both hands.
The dog was in the middle of the street and started to growl as he looked at me. I was ready to run but my father tightened his grip on my shoulder then yelled at the dog in a loud voice, “Get back over there!” The dog stopped in his tracks and tucked his tail between his legs. When my father shouted again, “Go,” he ran to the doghouse in his yard.
I had never heard my father raise his voice before. He was a soft-spoken man of a few words, and sometimes you had to strain to hear him. He was over 6 feet tall, muscular and strong, so I never knew his quietness to be misinterpreted as a weakness by anyone. When I saw what happened with the dog, all of the anxiety and fear left me. I was so glad that I got a reprieve from being chased that day. And the other children didn’t get the chance to laugh at me.
The next day was another story. Since my father was not with me, I was prepared to run. As my friend and I got to the corner, the dog did his usual thing. We neared the middle of the block, but this time for some reason I wouldn’t look at him. I thought about my father protecting me the day before and kept walking. He didn’t growl or bark as he stood in the middle of the street. After we passed him, my friend looked back then whispered to me, “He’s going back to his yard.” I was so happy and afraid at the same time that I could have wet on myself. Then for the next two weeks that were left of the school term, I was able to walk, not run to the corner of my block. Never again was I chased by the green-eyed mutt with the terrifying bark and hot breath.
My father passed away the following year in April. When I think about all the wonderful times I had with him, his loving care and gentleness, I am also reminded of how his voice and his presence eradicated a frightening situation in my life. In fact, he never asked me anything about the dog. I guess he had confidence it wouldn’t bother me again.
The dog had watched me and knew I was afraid of him. He had access and opportunity to chase me, and if he wanted to bite me, he could have, but he didn’t. Maybe the dog thought that chasing was my way of playing with him. Who knows what and how dogs think. I just know he wasn’t fun. When my father told the dog “get back over there,” he was commanding him to get back where he belongs. And I was liberated from fearful encounters with it.
In the introduction to my first book “Pray What God Says” I relate how Aunt Bessie told me that my father was in heaven with God. Then she said God would be like a father to watch over and care for me. And He has demonstrated that He has been and is continuing to doing so. The scriptures say we have protection from the enemy, satan. He has already been cut off, limited, judged and condemned by God.
Like that dog, satan intimidates, pursues, threatens and causes us to fear for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When things go wrong with our life, health, finances, and relationships, we feel discouraged, anxious and think he has complete control of our circumstances. But satan is a thief, liar, deceiver and murderer. He comes to steal, kill and destroy anything and anyone he can get access to. But the blood of Jesus was shed to deliver us from all the work, plots and plans of the enemy.
When we decree and declare the Word of God—the scriptures—over our situations, we are reminding satan of where he belongs. We also remind ourselves about the nature and virtue of God, our identity and liberty in Him. There is continuous and unfailing access we have to Him and His covenant promises.
Isaiah 41:10-14 (New Living Translation)—Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who tried to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I hold you by your right hand— I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you. Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob, don’t be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you. I am the LORD, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.’
As long as we have the Word of God—His scriptures—and His holy presence, we never have to fear the bark and breath of the enemy.
Excerpt from the new book by Christine Brooks Martin
Inspirational Stories & Poems
To be Released late December 2011
Areli MediaWorks 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Commit to God

Commit to God: Simply put in Deuteronomy 10:12-14-- And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, To keep (obey) the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is. --(Excerpted from "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith")
The person who commits to God FLOWS with Him.
F - Fear (reverence) the Lord
L - Loves with all their heart and soul
O - Obeys Him
W - Walks in His ways
S - Serves Him with joy and gladness
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Pray What God Says"
ebook & Paperback by Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks  2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ebook Special

For a limited time during the holiday season the eBook version of my two inspirational titles about prayer:
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
are available for $.99 each at
Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks  2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011


When people disappoint us it is painful but it is also a way for God to show us that He alone is God. Through disappointments we realize people are people just like us--we have our strengths and we have weaknesses. We learn that we can’t do everything and we can’t be everything to everybody.
Disappointment comes when we have an unrealistic expectation of another person. Based on what people say or do, we unwittingly assume they will always be reliable, always available, always resourceful, always, always, always. But, at the weakest or most vulnerable point in our life, we might experience the reality of disappointment. This leads to feelings of rejection, betrayal or abandonment that causes hurt, pain and disappointment. God expects us to expect Him to be God. He doesn’t want us to expect people to be everything His word says that He is. I think what people do to us is a test to see if we bear or yield the fruit of the Spirit.
If you are disappointed, I know exactly how you feel because I have been abused, rejected, betrayed and abandoned. I have had to go through trials and tribulations while on the path to getting healed from the last trial and tribulation. Of all the friends, associates and acquaintances in my life, none of them can compete with what God has done for me. He has delivered and healed me of so many things, so many times. Most of the time, I had no one to talk to, confide in, or get help from. Because of that, I sought God who was the only one who had answers. I could not find my joy in people, places or things. Once in a while someone would pray for me if I asked. But I learned to cry out to God in my distresses. At times it seemed like it took Him forever, but it didn’t when He answered my prayers and healed me from depression and agoraphobia. It is so wonderful that the side-effect of His healing anointing is more love for Him.
That is why I thank Him passionately everyday. I try to tell everyone I know to do the same because He is an unfailing Lord and God.  That doesn’t mean I don’t have troubles. Yes, I do even now. But I know the one in whom I live, move and have my very being. I can trust, rely on, call upon and be heard from the Lord my God. He makes me over each and everyday because I want to let Him. He helps me love those that He uses to make be a better and more anointed person so I can be His instrument of help to others.
Don’t hate the person(s) who disappointed you. Sometimes God will use people to see if you will turn and cast your cares on Him. I have friends who I call friends because that is what I am or try to be to them. We may have gone through many things together, yet some I can not confide in. I am a sounding board for most of them, yet the very same don’t care to hear about my pain, joy, disappointments or achievements. But that’s OK because we have to ask God to show us the purpose for each and every person we engage with. He will allow us to see and experience the strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and limitations of each one. We are not to despise them for what they are not. Just rejoice over what they bring to the table to bless, nurture, test and even try us. Remember, most people test the fruit of the Spirit in us. How is your love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance?
God observes how we respond to every relationship. But most importantly, He wants to be everything we want and need. His word says that He opens His hand to satisfy every living creature. We are His precious creation, so He will not fail nor cause us to lack any good and beneficial thing. Spend time praising or learning how to praise the Lord. When you do so, your mind can’t think negative thoughts and rejoice at the same time.
If you feel disappointed or discouraged, don’t feel bad because you ask for help. And don’t let the devil make you upset about a person who is just being who they are--limited. One thing is for sure, they are not God. They didn’t lie if they said they can’t fix you or your problems. Praise the Lord because their fix might send you to hell. No one knows how to fix you and your circumstances like God can. If you have been seeking the Lord as your helper, you may not realize it, but you are on the pathway of healing and deliverance. Nobody’s mad but the devil. How about that? Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!!
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
(To be released late December 2011)
Areli MediaWorks 2011