Saturday, April 28, 2012

Trending Now?

What is Trending? A quick definition is, a topic or person who is being widely spoken about all over the world at a particular time. When I open my browsers or visit my social networking sites like Twitter, I always see a list of people and topics that are “Trending Now.”  You have to click on the name or subject of choice when curiosity kills your cat so you can Lookey-Lou, maybe engage in conversations to keep the trend trending.
I see “Trending Now” everyday, throughout the day and night. But as frequently as I am online, I guess my timing might be off a bit because I have never see Jesus Christ or The Bible “Trending Now.” It would be nice to see my favorite person, lover of my soul Jesus, and my favorite book be the hot topics on the electronic devices of the world. Rest assured, I am not discouraged. I am confident that there is private trending going on in the hearts and minds of people everywhere, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, in numbers that far exceed the capacity of any official site meter.
The Lord  trends in my heart everyday when I need a companion, friend, brother, helper, counselor, comforter, teacher, doctor, advocate and more.  The bible trends in my heart when I need to learn, know, understand, obtain, and grow in obedience, grace, peace, comfort, joy, love, happiness, instruction, patience, strength, faith, protection, healing, provision, and more.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the public lists of  “Trending Now” say “Jesus Christ” and “The Bible?”
Christine Brooks Martin
"Pray What God Says"
"Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith"
"Christine's Short-Shorts"
Areli MediaWorks   2012

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