Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I had a great Christmas with my family, especially the grandchildren. They are so entertaining, especially my teenage grandson when he jokes, does the samba or tango with their dog Sugar, including spins, shakes, and dips. Once he puts her down, she stumble-runs to me for sanctuary. It was wonderful to hear M-o-ove!, St-o-op! Don’t touch me! Stop looking at me!, and my all-time favorite “I had it first!” From me it was “Hey! You sit there, and you, sit over there.” It’s not that way with them all the time, I am just sharing the joy I have about what we sometimes take for granted. I look up to heaven and say “Hallelujah Lord, Thank you Jesus for blessing me with beautiful grandchildren. I love them so much and I love you too.”

We are getting closer to celebrating the New Year. It will be 2012 and 12 is the number of governing authority--God's authority. I believe that instead of all the madness, chaos and bad news we have been experiencing, seeing and hearing about, God's authority will take over. I expect His power and blessings to be revealed through His people in every facet of our being: physical, mental, social, emotional, financial and spiritual.

I know the heathen and the devil is not going to like it, but according to the scriptures they will rage. But their destiny has been pre-determined. Although the Book of Revelations frightens a lot of people, including some in the Body of Christ, it also tells us to "rejoice because our redemption draweth nigh." I look forward to the events and promises expressed in the Book of Joel, helping me retain expectations of Restoration, Refreshing, Rejeuvenation, and the coming Renewal to the world and especially for those of us who are holding on to God's love, grace, goodness and faithfulness.

So bless you and rejoice in the New Year to come. I believe it will be an eventful year of goodness for all of us who love God.

Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks  2011

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