Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Connect With God

crutches-habakkukOften I have heard people refer to God as a “crutch” and they use the word in a negative connotation. Sometimes it is to make light of the believer’s faith, trust and reliance on God, or give the impression that God relishes a following of zombie-like, dysfunctional people incapable of a significant life. Those who intend to mock us with usage of the word “crutch” fail to understand the utility and functionality of the crutch.
Crutches are mobility aids used to counter a mobility impairment or an injury that limits walking ability. --Definition source: Wilkipedia
When you have been afflicted and decide to change your posture and connect to God, He should be welcomed as a crutch. His promises are your support and strength to compensate for every weakness. He is a crutch to facilitate your physical and spiritual healing. He comes along side you for natural and spiritual development, change, growth, and maturity. God is your crutch for any situation. --(from the book "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith")
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."--Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)
Christine Brooks Martin, author
Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

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