Friday, June 15, 2012

Just Sharing: "Ya Never Know" by Ragamuffingospelfan

Today I am sharing a blog friend's entry:
by Ragamuffingospelfan
Sometimes, ya just never know, do ya? I mean really. You think you have it all figured out, then the job you thought would last forever ends and the people you thought would never leave you leave you.
But it's not always bad things.
I have had people I never expected would ever want anything to do with me come into my life and speak powerfully into it. I have had people I initially dismissed or brushed off as arrogant or shallow or worldly turn out to be some of the biggest impacters in my life.
I have had people to affirm God's calling in my life. I have had people help me see that I'm not invisible or unwanted or a reject. I have had people who saw hope and a future for me when I couldn't see anything but despair and darkness. [MORE]
Christine Brooks Martin, author
(ebooks are still FREE)
Areli MediaWorks  2012

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