Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Connect With God

crutches-habakkukOften I have heard people refer to God as a “crutch” and they use the word in a negative connotation. Sometimes it is to make light of the believer’s faith, trust and reliance on God, or give the impression that God relishes a following of zombie-like, dysfunctional people incapable of a significant life. Those who intend to mock us with usage of the word “crutch” fail to understand the utility and functionality of the crutch.
Crutches are mobility aids used to counter a mobility impairment or an injury that limits walking ability. --Definition source: Wilkipedia
When you have been afflicted and decide to change your posture and connect to God, He should be welcomed as a crutch. His promises are your support and strength to compensate for every weakness. He is a crutch to facilitate your physical and spiritual healing. He comes along side you for natural and spiritual development, change, growth, and maturity. God is your crutch for any situation. --(from the book "Talk to God with Affirmations of Faith")
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."--Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)
Christine Brooks Martin, author
Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"SCRIPTURE WORKS!" author Rali Macaulay -- Guest Interview

Rali Macaulay
Rali Macaulay
I am pleased to introduce Rali Macaulay to the Pray What God Says blog for a guest author interview.
Rali is an international bestselling Christian author, with a desire to bring the lost to the Lord, empower believers, and strengthen their relationship with God through her writings.

Earlier this year Rali's debut book entitled "SCRIPTURE WORKS!" became a bestseller within days of its launching. She is passionate about the Word of God, and lives her life on the principles of God's Word.
PWGS: What is your book all about?
RM: The full title, "SCRIPTURE WORKS! Effectively Praying God's Word over Life Situations" is about prayer based on God's Word, the Bible.
What inspired you to write this book?
RM: Many years ago, I started to pray with the scriptures; but then I would encounter similar situations in the future and completely forgot what scriptures I used in the past. As a result I would need to do my researches afresh and find appropriate scriptures to pray. I later decided to start journaling the bible verses I was using, at first in no particular order. Later I started to categorize them. After several years of doing this, I began to sense the Lord leading me to share these scriptures with others because there are many people struggling to pray, or know what scriptures to use in prayers. Some don't even know they can or need to pray the scriptures.
How did you decide to do what you’re doing today, that is, become a published author?RM: First, without any doubt, the grace of God. I also reached a point where I realized no matter how much I prayed or fasted, God was not going to do my part for me, which was to start writing. I needed to start putting whatever the Lord was placing in my heart on paper. So, with that knowledge, I made a decision to get serious with my calling and do this first book that I had been working on for too long. So I set a deadline even when I had no idea how to publish or how to get a book cover done! But God is ever faithful. Once you trust Him, and take that first step, and commit to doing your part, He will begin to bring in the people, resources and even skills you need to complete the assignment he has placed in your hands.
How long have you been writing?
RM: Since elementary school. I used to write short sentences on paper cut into little squares. I would staple those together and proudly pronounce I had a book. My writing continued in high school, however my first published work was a little over 20 years ago when I wrote an article for my local church magazine.
Can you describe a typical day in your life where you are able to fit writing into it?
RM: My typical day is very busy. Presently I work full time, and I'm a wife and mother of three little kids :) However, the Lord taught me to use what used to be a concern/pain to my advantage. I travel long hours to and from work; and fortunately I get to take the train. So these are the hours I do my writings the most -- while commuting to and from work. I also try waking early Saturdays before my kids, so I can spend some hours writing.
What do you enjoy most about what you do as an author?
RM: Seeing lives transformed, and people re-committing to spend time with their Maker. I'm also blessed when I hear testimonies of people arising to take their rightful place in Christ and living victorious Christian lives. I also, obviously, enjoy writing. When I write, I experience joy and peace. I feel deep satisfaction; and right then forget about any current issues that should have been a concern. It's like being translated from the present to the heart of God.
Are there any people and/or books that have inspired you along your journey?
RM: Definitely the bible takes first place :) I love reading that Book; and the Author is my Father:) I just enjoy God's word. It's ever fresh, ever relevant, ever powerful! I read books by different authors that I really love; but early in my life as a believer, I really enjoyed reading Max Lucado's books, when it comes to getting an assurance of God's love for me, and His total acceptance of me. I also enjoy Yonngi Cho's books on prayers. But all in all, I have been blessed to have been under the teachings of several anointed men and women of God either directly or indirectly; and these have been used by the Holy Spirit to shape (and still shaping) my life.
Can you share something that people might be surprised to learn about you?
RM: I love to crochet, and have done so since I was very little.
What do you expect your readers to gain from reading your books?
RM: I want my readers to cease being defeated in life! I want them to know that they have help in God through His Word, and that His Word is most reliable. In addition, I want them to experience how to turn scriptures into prayers, and help them to actually pray those scriptures through the sample prayers and faith declarations provided. I also want them to know that the Word covers EVERY situation in their lives. No matter what it is, God's got it covered! That is what the book "SCRIPTURE WORKS!" is about.
If you are working on any new book projects can you give us a sneak-peak?
RM: Yes. I am currently working on a series entitled "Secrets to Empowered Lifestyle." I recently published the first book in the series "7 Days of Power." The purpose of this book is to provide a daily devotional for the week, with scriptural prayers/faith declarations. It also includes a bonus section on goals because "...faith without works is dead..." --James 2:17.
Thank you Rali for being my guest author here at Pray What God Says. I hope you will continue to stand by your motto and that is to inspire others to live fulfilled, empowered, and victorious lives in Christ -- so they will be enabled to know and walk in God's plans.
Rali MacCaulay's titles are available at Amazon.com
Effectively Praying God's Word over Life Situations

7 Days of Power
7 Days of Power
Secrets to Empowered Lifestyle:
"7 Days of Power" (1st in the series)
Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cry of the Heart and Soul -- A Spiritual Anniversary

Today is my spiritual anniversary!! Twenty-two years ago on this date, August 5th, I said YES to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He has shown me each and everyday that I made the right decision and He has always and will forever be my King and Most High God. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
To follow is an excerpt from my book "Pray What God Says" where I shared the testimony of my acceptance of Jesus Christ into my life. Of all the testimonies I have, this is the greatest.
Years ago, before accepting Jesus Christ as Lord of my life, I considered myself a decent person. Although I acknowledged God, I did not serve Him by reading or studying the scriptures, prayer or attending church. I thought I had everything that was essential for a good and happy lifestyle. But I had issues that troubled my mind and heart as well. With God excluded from my life, unfruitful decisions made solutions to my problems elusive. I resigned to accepting and responding to lingering challenges the way I thought best.
But God heard the cry of my heart when no one else was listening, and where no one else was looking. He reconnected me with a friend in a wonderful way. My best friend Cheryl sowed 13 years of obedient and dedicated evangelistic ministry into my life. She planted the seed of the Word in every conversation and watered it by taking me to church services, conferences, her family gatherings, and most important, intercession for me in her prayer closet. I believe that when the Lord heard my cry for something new, He heard and honored the cries of Cheryl’s heart to see me saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Throughout those 13 years I had many opportunities to accept an altar call but I refused, holding on to the notion that eventually, I could fix me all by myself. In retrospect, arrogance and stubbornness had been a barrier to my deliverance from the problems in my life.
On August 5, 1992, Cheryl needed to pick up some documents from an evangelist in Moreno Valley so I agreed to accompany her so she could use the Express lane. As we stepped into Evangelist Prosperity’s living room, I immediately felt very hot. It was as if someone was pouring hot liquid on my head. Although the air conditioner was on in her home, I rationalized that my body was adjusting to coming in from the very warm temperature outside. So I sat quietly to cool off. After a few minutes Evangelist Prosperity glanced at me and asked if I was saved. I said, “No.” Then she asked if I wanted to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. Without hesitation I replied, “Yes. Sure why not?”
As the three of us joined hands and Evangelist Prosperity began to pray for me, I felt the heat on my head intensify to what seemed like a thick liquid pouring from my head and neck, down to my feet. My heart raced, my legs felt too limp to stand. I thought I was having a heart attack or some other physical malady. I tried to tell them to call 911 but I couldn’t speak English. With tears streaming down my face, peace and joy enveloped my very being and my lips stammered in tongues for nearly an hour.
Cheryl fell to her knees weeping and praising the Lord because she was able to witness the fruit of her labor from the prayers, and the planting and watering of the Word into my life. To some it would seem that I had a radical conversion experience. But I would never trade it for anything else because that experience has kept me believing, knowing and trusting that God is real and He loves me.
In my introduction to this book [Pray What God Says], I reflected on the peace and joy I experienced when I first heard about Jesus Christ from Aunt Bessie. But when I decided to accept Him as my Lord and Saviour in 1992, that same peace and joy embraced me but in a greater measure. I am fully persuaded that God’s plan and purpose for my life is greater than I or anyone else could have fashioned it.
Since that day, I have learned that as you commit your life to Jesus Christ and receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit, there is a divine enablement to begin, build and establish a relationship with God. It is only through a relationship with Him, through learning the scriptures and prayer, that you will be able to live a regenerated life. This is a life that can be conformed and transformed daily to the likeness of Jesus Christ.
When my heart was crying out, I was not aware that it was directed toward God. There is a cry of our heart and it is of a hungry, thirsty spirit man crying out to his Creator. Even in death, the word says that the spirit of man returns to the Creator, our God. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. --Ecclesiastes 12:7.
If we consistently allow the cry of our heart be directed toward the Lord, we are better able to submit our soul (mind, will and emotions) to His spirit. We have to allow ourselves to be subject to, in daily reliance upon, and in compliance with God and His holy scriptures. Commitment to desiring our thoughts and behavior to be in consistent alignment with the Holy Spirit will yield a lifestyle led by a spirit man that is in deference to holiness and righteousness. This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. --Galatians 5:16.
God created and enables our hearts to cry out to Him: And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. --Galatians 4:6.
Christine Brooks Martin, author
Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

GIVE-AWAY! ! ! The Christian Writer 101 (Fourth Edition)

One winner will be chosen to win a paperback copy of The Christian Writer 101 Raffle for giveaway: a Rafflecopter giveaway Book Title The Christian Writer 101 (Fourth Edition) Genre: Instructional


The Christian Writer 101 (Fourth Edition) is author, Nina Fitzhugh Wells' updated version of this concise guide to Christian Self-Publishing. Within the pages are step-by-step instructions for writing, publishing and promoting your Christian book. This educational manual offers all you need to make informed choices concerning your publishing focus.

As an update the third edition, it not only boasts the technical and practical pieces, it also extensively covers such topics as: 1) A Complete social media chapter, and 2) Proven marketing and promotions strategies. As well, there are foundational scriptures, wisdom winks, and motivational quotes from literary professionals to further educate and inspire you. This Concise, Precise, Advice Guide is for ALL writers, authors, and self-publishers.


Nina Fitzhugh Wells has served in education for more than 25 years; in the book publishing business for nearly 15 years; and in the Christian counseling for 10 years. Her calling and passion is for teaching, counseling, and evangelistic outreach. “God has commissioned me to educate and inspire all people; and to offer hope and healing to the lost and hurting,” proclaims Wells, who serve diligently to help others discover, develop, and use their gifts to their highest potential. A native of Philadelphia, PA, Nina Fitzhugh Wells is a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) student at Walden University in Baltimore, Maryland where her focus is Higher Education and Adult Learning. She earned her Master of Arts Degree in Christian Education from the Union Theological Seminary (Now Union Presbytery Seminary) in Richmond, Virginia; and did her undergraduate studies at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania. She is the author of seven books, including her profound autobiography: “Lost FOUNDation: From Foster Care to God’s Heir” (2009), a highly acclaimed top seller. Currently, she is penning her eighth book - a research-based study - entitled: "Emancipation Revelation: An Exploratory View at Resources and Supports for First Year College Students Who Age-Out of Foster Care," to be published in 2014.

Wells is an ordained evangelist and adult educator who serves as Education Director at Kingdom Publishing Group (KPG), a Christian book publishing and promotions company in Richmond, VA. She is credited with helping a diverse group of authors to birth nearly 300 God-inspired books out to the world. Her ministry, books, and education have afforded her many opportunities to reach and teach multitudes of people from diverse communities. She continues to be in high demand as a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, educator and Christian counselor.

In addition to publishing, teaching, and motivational speaking, Nina Fitzhugh Wells dedicates much of her time to advocating for youth who age-out of the foster care system. She is the Founder and Executive Director at “Excel HIGHER, Inc.” Through this non-profit organization, Nina works closely with local, state and federal agencies, and colleges and universities by offering resources, programming, and finishing workshops to prepare foster youth as they transition from state support to self-sufficiency. In August 2013, she began hosting a radio show entitled: Revelation For Elevation, which serves to bring awareness to the plight of youth who age-out of foster care; as well as promote advocacy.

In July 2010, Nina was inducted into the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society for Education. As well, she is a member of the Foster Care Alumni of America (FCAA), the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), and the Independent Book Publishers’ Association (IBPA). As well, she is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA).

Nina currently resides in Virginia; and is married to her best friend, Minister Leon Wells, Jr. She purposes to live each day based on the Philippians 4:8 scripture: "Finally Brethren, whatever is things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.” Social Links
Website: http://www.kingdompublishing.org
Facebook page: kpgbooks
Twitter handle: @kingdomp
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Sunday, April 6, 2014

The "Que Sera Sera" for Those Who Are His

The other night while watching TV, there was a commercial for a new, upcoming series about heinous acts or intentions between married couples. I don't plan to watch it but they used a song I remember from my childhood. Although sampled and sung by someone else for the advertisement, it was Doris Day's classic, called "Que Sera Sera." That's French for what will be, will be. For a great amount of time in my life, I lived loosely by the premise of that song... getting what I could get, as fast as I could get it and trying to have as much fun as possible while Que Sera Sera happened.

I concede that "what will be, will be" is true because the Word does say in Romans 11:33-36 -- "Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice? And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back. For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen."

But when the day came that I had a wonderful, memorable encounter with the Word of God and His Presence, then that changed the course of my life. No longer relevant and true was another line in the song that said, "The future's not ours to see." That is because I became an engrafted beneficiary of the covenant promises of God found in Deuteronomy 28:1-13. We have a Father who gives bountifully, pressed down, shaken together and running over to His children.

As a child of the King, I no longer have to walk in darkness regarding my future. His Word says in Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NLT)-- "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."

Even if life and its challenges confront me, I can rest in His Word that says in Romans 8:28 (NLT)--"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

When you learn and know that each day you can be kept in and by the Kingdom God with the enabling assistance of the Holy Spirit, you can "Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God."-- Proverbs 2:3-5 (NLT)

Your Que Sera Sera can and will be orchestrated by the Lord Most High with the willing and yielded participation of your mind, body, soul and spirit.
Christine Brooks Martin
Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Prayer for Strength

Prayer for Direction and Guidance

Prayer to Overcome Sadness

Overcoming Anger

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Prayer to Overcome Negativity

When I am Negative 

Lord God, I repent for thinking or saying things that oppose what your scriptures say is the truth. Your word has declared who you are and who I am when I abide in you. I belong to you and I am your son/daughter. I am filled with your Holy Spirit. You have not given me a spirit to be afraid or timid. By your spirit I am strong, loving and self-disciplined. I understand that there are natural and spiritual challenges in the world but I take heart that I have your peace. In the midst of trials, tribulation or sorrow, I have the assurance that you have already overcome what confronts me. I already have victory over any circumstance because the Holy Spirit lives in me. Your spirit is greater than any spirit that is in the world.

You lift burdens from my thoughts, motives and intentions. You break every yoke of bondage from my shoulders. No weapon turned against me will succeed. Every voice raised in accusation against me is silenced. I enjoy the benefits you have extended to me as a servant of the Lord. I am vindicated from unrighteous judgment. I am justified, found not guilty, because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Negative words do not proceed out of my mouth because my thoughts are renewed by your truth. I know in whom I live, move and have my very being.

I have the enabling ability to exercise authority over every challenge and challenger. My life is protected by your power. The word of God is my weapon to remove any stronghold of human reasoning that opposes God. I rest in the knowledge that you can end every mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual captivity. Your word destroys false and unrighteous arguments. Rebellious thoughts are captured and realigned to the obedience of the truth and Jesus Christ. Evil and negative thoughts are replaced by faith in you. My victory is through faith in the promises of your word and causes me to inherit your blessings. Thank you for being my God and I am your son/daughter.

From the prayerbook "He That Healeth Thee
by Christine Brooks Martin 
Areli MediaWorks | 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Prayer to Overcome Sadness

Watch the video "A Prayer to Overcome Sadness

This prayer is from the book "He That Healeth Thee" and addresses the emotions one experiences while processing the transition from brokenness to healing, wholeness and well-being. The affirmations in this prayer will enable you to: --Increase your faith and trust in God --Rebuild self-esteem --Enjoy more peace and blessings in your life --Experience emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing, wholeness and well-being.

Christine Brooks Martin Areli MediaWorks  |  2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Some Mountains

No one is exempt from challenges. When we are confronted with circumstances that hinder progress or success in life, health and well-being, those challenges are often referred to as mountains. Many obstacles may appear unsurmountable and cause us to fear and/or resign to hopelessness. But we can take comfort in Mark 11:23 that says, "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

I have experienced favorable results many times by declaring this scripture over my life. But there have been instances where I wondered about the mountains that didn't move. Proverbs 3:6 says "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

When you seek God's direction, you will find there are some mountains that have to be climbed. These are challenges you must endure. For instance, you may have to learn new tasks to keep your job. Or if you become ill, you have to treat your body differently, and experience therapies to achieve physical and emotional healing and wholeness. As you learn how to navigate, ascend and descend this mountain it becomes a testimony to share with or help another person. 2Corinthians 12:9 -- "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

God might tell you to go around some mountains. A company I worked for in the early 70s had job openings in a technical classification. I was a secretary and the new jobs preferred applicants with education or skills and experience in the technical field. I really wanted to do something new and increase my income but was told I wasn't even qualified to apply. So I enrolled in a technical school taking a certificate course in the evenings in basic electronics. I was the only female in the class and I was often challenged by the course, instructor and classmates, but that didn't deter me. Upon completion, I added my certificate to the job application. A few weeks later, I was promoted and worked as a technician for many years with that company. Isaiah 30:21-- "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

There are some mountains that demand that you turn around and go the opposite direction. God and experience with trying to traverse this mountain will show you that trying to align yourself with some people, places, events, and associations will lead to ungodly soul-ties, toxic relationships, violence, addictions even sin and death. Psalm 18:17 -- "He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me."

Some mountains are not yours, meaning they are not your assignment. These mountains may be far beyond your spiritual maturity and you are not to challenge or contend with them. Be still, cover yourself with prayer, praise and worship the Lord and watch what He will do. 2Chronicles 20:15--"And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's."
Titus 3:9 --"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain."

As long as we prayerfully consider the challenges, the mountains that beset us, God will give us an answer for what we must do about them. James 1:5 --"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

1John 5:14-15--"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Relentless Cry

A few days ago, I was watching a video recording of one of my favorite ministers. In the middle of the sermon, a baby began to cry relentlessly for two or three minutes. I will admit that for a few moments I was a bit annoyed. A wondered, like some in the pews, why the parent didn't take the baby out to another area. I got a little distracted from the sermon and had to replay the portion where the baby was crying. But then I got distracted again. This time it was from my own thoughts. When babies cry it is because they want something. They cry because they are hungry, need a diaper change, uncomfortable, sick or just want attention. They will cry until the need is met.

Romans 8:15 says "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba Father." All of us were created to express the emotions of our soul and of our spirit with a "cry." That cry will demand a response from something or someone greater than ourselves. God, who is the source of our spirit hears every cry of the soul and spirit. He created us to communicate that cry to Him alone.

He has told us in His Word in Matthew 4:19 "But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” He also said as long as we abide in this earth we can ask for His kingdom alternatives to come on earth as it is in heaven.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. --Luke 12:22

We have permission to cry out relentlessly to God when we are hungry. He has promised to take care of us naturally because He is Jehovah-Jireh. He has promised to satiate us spiritually with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the bread of life... His scriptures. They instruct us with the principles to live this life on earth.

We have permission to cry out relentlessly when we are thirsty. He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to abide with us to quench our thirst for a comforter, helper and teacher.

We have permission to cry out relentlessly when we need our spiritual diapers changed. Through the Blood of Jesus, He has forgiven us, cleansed, sanctified, redeemed, and consecrated us to reveal His glory in us, on us and through us.

We have permission to cry out relentlessly when we are in distress. He is a banner and shield for us, a defender, covering and a hedge of protection.

We have permission to cry out relentlessly when we are sick (physically and spiritually). He is Jehovah Raphe the healer of all manner of sickness, diseases, afflictions, and infirmities.

And best of all we have permission to cry out relentlessly to Him when we just want to be in His presence. He is an omnipresent (everywhere), omnipotent (all power), omniscient (all knowing) God All Mighty.
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. --John 15:7

So the next time you hear a baby cry relentlessly, don't be annoyed. Just smile and remember that you too, have permission to cry out relentlessly to the Lord.